The great idea behind Davis Sports e.V.
Basketball is a team sport where not the right of the strongest prevails, but the integration into the team play is important.
Consideration for one another is taken here, listening occurs even when problems arise “outside the court,” because everyone depends on each other.
The social aspect is intended to be the focus, sparing children and young people the usual performance pressure, as the fear of failure already shapes our societal image. Our experience shows that children and young people participate in training with great commitment without performance pressure. Davis Sports e.V. offers an atmosphere in which not only children but also young people feel comfortable. In the multicultural teams, they learn tolerance towards people from other countries and cultures, as the training also serves to integrate foreign children and young people. The philosophy of Davis Sports e.V. is to positively influence children and young people and to convey fundamental values. The leaders and coaches place emphasis on teaching sport and values not only through words but especially through their own behavior and role modeling.Our Sponsors

Basketball Verein DavisSports e.V.
Davis Sports e.V
Widdersdorfer Strasse 188a
50825 Köln