The Club
Making basketball more fun

The public funding of sports clubs has been increasingly restricted over the years. Unfortunately, savings are being made in the wrong place, as children are the future of our society. With our club Davis Sports e.V., we aim to contribute to giving them the best start in life.
Davis Sports e.V. inspires children, teenagers, and parents alike and continues to experience steady growth in members, interested parties, and supporters. The beginning has been made, and several teams of children and teenagers in various age groups are already in training. However, there is still a significant need for well-trained coaches and appropriate equipment.
Membership Fees
192.00 € per year for children under 12 years old (i.e., 16.00 € per month)
240.00 € per year for children aged 12 and older (i.e., 20.00 € per month)
Additionally, a one-time registration fee of 10.00 € per child is charged.
Membership fees are to be paid annually. For children from demonstrably socially disadvantaged families, other payment arrangements can be made.
To expand our project without increasing member contributions, we need your financial support. With your help, Davis Sports e.V. can provide all interested children and teenagers the opportunity to become members of Davis Sports e.V. For information on how you can support us, please visit Funding Opportunities.
In order to ensure the work and goals of the club, Davis Sports e.V. relies not least on the initiative of private individuals and companies. There are various ways to promote or support the club in its activities… learn more
„Care for Children Club 200“
Um jedem Kind und Jugendlichen, unabhängig von der finanziellen Situation der Familie, die Möglichkeit zu geben, Mitglied bei Davis Sports e.V. zu werden und am Training teilzunehmen, möchten wir auch weiterhin die Mitgliedsbeiträge niedrig halten. Dafür gründete Davis Sports e.V. den „Care for Children Club 200“ – für alle diejenigen, die Davis Sports e.V. mit einer Spende unterstützen wollen und damit eine Förderung von Kindern und Jugendlichen sicherstellen.
Basketball Verein DavisSports e.V.
Davis Sports e.V
Widdersdorfer Strasse 188a
50825 Köln
Unser Verein
Davis Sports e.V. bedankt sich bei seinem Sponsoren,